SIM card / Internet

SIM card / Internet

 If you’re traveling to Egypt and don’t have roaming services, you can easily get a tourist SIM card from major telecom providers like WE, Orange, Vodafone, or Etisalat.

These SIM cards come with plenty of minutes and internet data to cover your entire trip.

If you’re working remotely, consider purchasing a MiFi device with a large data package.

Keep in mind that you’ll need to provide a copy of your passport to complete the paperwork, and it may take 6-12 hours for the SIM to activate.

There are branches of all companies in airports and everywhere in Egypt.

Additionally, most hotels offer free Wi-Fi for guests, and you can also access free Wi-Fi at the airport to order Uber or InDrive car.

Prices of some internet packages

                     +–       ———-+–     —–+
                      | Capacity     | Price   |
                      | (in MB)        | (in $)  |
                      +—-       ——–+—-    —+
                      | 6000 MB      |  3$    |
                      | 18000 MB    |  8$    |
                      | 45000 MB    | 15$   |
                      +—–       ——-+——-+

Airport branches are open 24 hours a day

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